CPI – The New Campona

Shaping the Future of Shopping

The co-creation of the concept of the shoppingcentre of the future, the definition of theconsequent communication strategy and itsimplementation.

product development
web design

The Challenge

What will the future of shopping look like? And how can itbe communicated to people so as not to confuse them, butenthuse them?

The Solution

In the first phase, it was important to define what thefuture of shopping would look like. Will people still go toshopping centres? How will they get there? Whattechnologies will make shopping easier? How can trends becreated rather than followed? In the second phase, wefocused on the co-creation of the communication conceptof how to communicate this vision to people six yearsbefore the centre was opened. The third phase consists ofthe actual implementation and the continuous updating ofboth the first and second phases.

MAPIC 2018

The co-creation of the concept of the shoppingcentre of the future, the definition of theconsequent communication strategy and itsimplementation.

web & app
strategy & planning
Trend Investigation
Interactive / MotionDesign
Štěpán Kleník
Project Leader
Jakub Smoljak
Creative Strategist
Tomáš Fišera
Art Director
Michal Rodriguez
Project Manager
Marc Sanderson
Art Director
Júlia Bujňáková
Account Manager