Kino Pilotů

We Brought a New Art House Cinema to Life

There are projects we are simply proud to be partof. We co‑created a brand new identity fromscratch, turning this cinema into one of the mosticonic and loved cultural spots in the city.

Brand Identity
Creative Concept
Web Design

The Challenge

Creating the visual style of a freshly reconstructed two-auditorium cinema that was first opened in 1908. Thecinema's ambition is to contribute to the dramaturgy ofother movie theatres in Prague. Its purpose is not to showonly art and commercial films, but also to screendocumentaries and allow people to organize conferences.

The Solution

In the initial phase we designed a basic corporate identityfor the branding of the cinema, the navigation in both theinterior and exterior, and printing of merchandise. Thesecond phase included a conspicuous concept apparent inthe entire external communication - thus it binds all promomaterial, the website and the communication as a whole.

The Branding

The branding of the cinema Kino Pilotů (Pilots Cinema) follows the name of the venue and itsfounder, an aviator. Besides the main logotype, we designed a set of flying motives serving topromote significant information and the branding of merchandise.

Visual Concept

We speak clearly - through film language. The film image and the subtitle becomes the mainvisual pattern for delivering any key message.

Applying the Visual Concept

The name and the purpose of the venue speak for itself - the interior and all externalcommunication material bear the aviation pattern and film-related visuals. Everything fromvisiting cards, film programs to the bar equipment should be explicit in delivering a simplemessage - this is cinema Kino Pilotů. Let there be no doubt about it.

Creative Concept
Web & app Design
Brand Identity
Štěpán Kleník
Project Lead
Ondřej Vala
Art Director
Jiří Váňa
Tech Lead